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Ep 1 - Let's Build a Dice Roller

Published: 2022-07-23
Updated: 2022-07-23


  1. What is Browser Therapy?
  2. Introduction to King of Tokyo
  3. Build Session: rolling a traditional die
  4. Build Session: add support for a custom die
  5. Build Session: creating SVG die faces

What is Browser Therapy


  1. Have fun and escape!
    • First series will be building a board game.
  2. Be accountable to yourself and code regularly.
    • Weekly episodes are scheduled so we stick with the process.
  3. Master your craft.
    • How we code is more important than what we code.

Some Coding Processes

Introduction to King of Tokyo

Background resources

Build sessions

Source repos

Session Notes

Define the Problem and Goal

Problem: I can’t roll a die!

Solution: Let’s build a roll() that will role one die, either traditional (i.e. 1-6) or a custom die.

  • All dice will be fair dice (isohedral)
  • Focus on traditional game dice
    • 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20-sided dice only
  • Dice can have either numbered or custom faces

Plan it out: base dice roller functionality

One utility funtion

  • one parameter
    • if integer x, roll an x-sided die by finding random integer between 1 and x
      • return integer
    • if array y, roll custom die by finding a random index between 0 and y - 1
      • return array item

Brute force: base dice roller functionality

Session Goal: Build an interface for the dice roller

Plan it out

  • take the code from the above repo and centre it on the page

Brute force

Ideas for next week

  • SVGs!!!
  • Plan out a new interface???
  • Build a proper Dice Tower!!!